
Hybrid Training


  1. Weekly Workouts: 1-2 times per week of in-person training; all other workouts will be recorded on your workout profile in the Training app. Exercises are tailored based on each individual’s goals, fitness level, and equipment accessibility.
  2. Weekly Nutritional Advice: Personalized Nutritional Advice based on Dietary Needs and Health & Fitness Goals
  3. Weekly Accountability: Personalized accountability through one-on-one check-ins, body measurements, progress photos, and a private, engaging Facebook community group.

Personal Training

Flexible online training solutions

  1. Weekly Workouts: A detailed plan of every week’s workouts will be available on the workout profile in the training app. Exercises are tailored based on each individual’s goals, fitness level, and equipment accessibility.
  2. Weekly Nutritional Advice: Personalized Nutritional Advice based on Dietary Needs and Health & Fitness Goals
  3. Weekly Accountability: Personalized accountability through one-on-one check-ins, body measurements, progress photos, and a private, engaging Facebook community group

Athlete Strength & Conditioning

Train With Purpose Train For Life!

Athletic training for small groups based on the current sports season (Pre-Season vs. In-Season etc.) with unique adjustments based on the athlete’s sport and weightlifting background. This program is suited for high school & collegiate athletes.

Health & Wellness

Speaking Engagement

At Lifestyle Fit we enjoy educating the community on the importance of health and wellness. We are open to educating all groups from schools, churches, clubs, and corporate events. Our health and wellness speaking engagement packages are available in three different formats; formal, interactive, and hybrid presentation.

    1. Formal Presentation: a written or PowerPoint presentation on your group’s chosen topic (Nutrition, Women’s Wellness, etc.) relating to the importance of health and wellness
    2. Interactive Presentation: a hands-on fitness or nutrition class on your group’s chosen topic (Nutrition, Women’s Wellness, etc.) relating to the importance of health and wellness
    3. Hybrid Presentation: Incorporates both formal and interactive presentation formats
  • Please contact us to decide which presentation format is best for your group’s needs.


We are dedicated to assisting you in feeling and functioning at your best. Our supplements are safe and effective and will help you reach your full potential.


Looking good makes you feel better. It’s important to feel good in your clothes. With LifeStyle Fit, choosing the right attire to look stylish at the gym is easy.


Real People - Real Results
